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Cool Cap for that special day!
Don't look like a nerd The Day You Walk Your Robot Dog!! Wear one of our really cool Geek Culture propeller caps!

Another sign we're finally living in the Future!

AIBO the Robotic Dog sells out in one day!!

Sony Corp. announced that all 3,000 of its Robotic Dog sold out in Japan
on the first day it was offered for sale. The Robotic Dog "Aibo" was
offered for sale exclusively on the Internet.

Sony has also made the Robotic Dog available in the US exclusively on
the internet. On Tuesday 2,000 Aibos went on sale in the US for $2,500.

The dog is programmed to do a number of tricks and can walk, wag its
tail, and yawn, and bite viciously (not really).

What does "AIBO" mean?
The name "AIBO" comes from the words, A.I. (Artificial Intelligence) + robot. "AIBO" also has an "eye" (homonym of A.I.). The word "aibou" is also the word for "partner" or "pal" in Japanese.

AIBO's expressions of emotion
AIBO communicates emotions to humans through a variety of methods: combinations of musical
tones, eye light colors, and body language.

AIBO's emotions and instincts
AIBO contains an Emotion model with six emotions (happiness, sadness, anger, surprise, fear, dislike), and an Instinct model with four instincts (love instinct, search instinct, movement instinct, and recharge instinct (eating instinct).

AIBO's learning and growth
AIBO contains a mode for learning based on experience and environment. Like people and animals, AIBO's grows through developmental stages (toddler phase, child phase, adolescent phase, and adult phase).

For more info, visit the little guy at: Get to know AIBO
bye bye

Cool Cap for that special day!

And again we say...
Don't look like a nerd while walking your robot dog!!! Wear one of our really cool Geek Culture propeller caps!

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