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Current QuickPoll results for 459 entries:

How do you feel about the Techno Talking Babes being defeated?
I'm too emotional, ...hey, I thought you were too upset to vote? 73 15%
It's a good thing, ... Martha's such a crafty bitch! 37 8%
Isn't there a "best-two-out-of-three" rule in super-fights?, ...that rule only applies in mudwrestling. 33 7%
They're not defeated, they're just kind of relaxing on the ground, ...they're not relaxing, they're actually pushing the planet out of its orbit. 140 30%
I'm still kinda super turned on for some reason, ... must be that the "shoe box of memories" is generating some extra sentiments. 176 38%

(May not add up to exactly 100% due to rounding, and sucky sentimentality.)

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