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Current QuickPoll results for 694 entries:

Are you going to Abacus World Expo?
I'd like to, but my beads are too tired., ... excuses, excuses. Once you get there you'll totally feel like beading out! 78 11%
I'd love to, but I'm going to Abs World Expo instead, ... hmmm, have you been pumping up for Fist Fighting Fridays? 79 11%
I want to see who's keynoting before I decide, ... You know, there's a lot more to Abacus World Expo than just the keynote, it's a real community event, a place to meet and share ideas with other Abacus users, ... and there's free beer! 198 28%
I'll be there because I just have to see the latest models, ... do you mean the Techno-Talking Babes?! 138 19%
I'm there already, outside, waiting in line for it to open, ... save me spot! Hey, I think I see you on the Abacus World Expo Cam! 201 28%

(May not add up to exactly 100% due to rounding, and the constant rattle of beads.)

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