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Current QuickPoll results for 1816 entries:

What do you think project "Man Friday" is all about?
Transmeta's starting a new temp agency, ... everything is temp in the computer industry. 98 5%
It's a plot by some chicks to get a four-day work week, ... hey, the men were pushing for a three-day work week. 330 18%
It's a holiday in which all geeks spend the day reading manuals, ... um, sounds like everyday around here. 307 16%
Transmeta is sponsoring Nitrozac's "Beefcake Fridays", ... won't this conflict with Fist Fight'n Fridays? ... perhaps, but they can battle it out amongst themselves. 343 18%
I have no idea, but whatever it is, it's so secret, it's got to be cool, ... not knowing makes the geek heart grow fonder. 738 40%

May not add up to exactly 100% due to rounding, and slowdowns due to complex code-morphing technology.

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