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Current JoyPoll results for 413 entries:

What little creatures do you have guiding your life?
Two devils, ... luckily, the two tend to cancel each other out. 35 8%
An angel and a devil, ... are you sure you don't mean a coffee and a donut? 40 9%
Nothing but the sweetest of angels, ... we're talking about a lot of donuts here, aren't we. 41 9%
My significant other, ... who no doubt can be both angel and devil. 55 13%
My kids, ... how sweet, do your computers have names? ;) 17 4%
My cat, ... NitroKitty has been guiding our trip. ;) 76 18%
My ISP, ... ahhh, the giant devil! 94 22%
I guide my own life, at least that's what my cat tells me. 55 13%

May not add up to exactly 100% due to rounding, and little geek angels fighting over how to do the rounding.
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