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Current JoyPoll results for 2330 entries:

What do you expect from MacWorld Expo?
A new iMac, that's about it, ... you probably shouldn't have left the keynote early. 142 6%
A new iMac, and an iWalk PDA!, ... did the iWalk rumor come from a Probably Distorted Advocate? 194 8%
Something I really want, but can't afford, ... if you want it, it will come. It may just be last year's model by then. 904 38%
I expect to be blown away, ... just don't fall to pieces if it's another iLetdown. 318 13%
I expect to be devastated, ... I'm devastated that I'm not expected! 82 3%
I'm still holding out for Abacus World Expo, ... Abacus, not Abs World Expo! 222 9%
I'm expecting another amazing poll question. 468 20%

May not add up to exactly 100% due to rounding, and iHype distortion fields.
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