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Current JoyPoll results for 1460 entries:

What's up with the woman on the couch?
She believes a woman's place is on the couch, sitting motionless, ... also known as the seething rage position. 31 2%
She would normally help him set up the tech, but loves to watch a train wreck, ... she switches the cables every night while he's sleeping. 151 10%
He was taking so long to set up the equipment, she fell into an unconscious state, ... that's her safe mode. 111 7%
She knows that if she suggests anything about the setup or tries to touch the remote, he will explode in a geek rage, ... that's not a geek rage, it's a jerk rage. 248 16%
That's no woman, that's a blow-up doll, ... you just hurt that blow-up doll's feeling. 537 36%
She is sitting motionless because there is a motion-sensitive human-eating alien in the room, and she's not going to risk her life to warn him, ... I'd nod in agreement, but, you know. 77 5%
It takes a lot of concentration and focus to control his mind and body like she is doing right now, ... she actually finds it easier than nagging him to do stuff. 140 9%
We motion sensitive human-eating aliens don't really appreciate the Joy of Tech spreading FUD about us! 165 11%

May not add up to exactly 100% due to rounding, and motion sensitive rounding-eating aliens.
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