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The JoyPoll!
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Current JoyPoll results for 1185 entries:

Best Bill Gates in the Joy of Tech?
Any time you portrayed him as the Devil, ... that was so evil of us. 96 8%
The Grinch that Stole Leopard, ... I loved Nitro's Saint Jobs! 96 8%
When he and Jobs slugged it out, ... Bill trained for that by sparring with Morpheus for two weeks. 126 10%
Microsoft KISS Army!, ... I wanna geek and code all night... eat pizza every day! 93 7%
Falling in love with OS X, ... he was on the rebound after being dumped by Moviemaker. 223 18%
When his face melted like in Raiders of the Lost Ark, ... don't get too excited, it didn't really melt, we just used special effects. 80 6%
Philanthropy Bill is my fave, ... we all win when he doesn't want to be the richest man in the cemetery. 251 21%
I like him when he's playing in money. 220 18%

May not add up to exactly 100% due to rounding, and we're gonna miss the fella.
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