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Current JoyPoll results for 895 entries:

Which iTablet Commandment is easiest to break?
Thou shall not take Jobs's name in vain during beachballs of death, ... they are easier to take if you're wearing a Beachball beanie. 135 15%
Thou shall not covet a physical keyboard for iPhone, ... at least until Apple makes one. 53 5%
Thou shall have no Mac clones, ... Apple is always worried clones will one day follow Order 66. 59 6%
Thou shall not make, or get excited over, Apple rumors, ... unless of course they drive your web hits up. 319 35%
Thou shall think of Apple TV as only a hobby, ... stop it, you are hurting its feelings! 56 6%
Thou must not forget to buy AppleCare for iTablets, ... they'd be fine if you didn't go around smashing them! 136 15%
I coveted the results. 137 15%

May not add up to exactly 100% due to rounding, and honor thy rounding.
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Introducing the Beachball Beanie!

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