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Current JoyPoll results for 897 entries:

Worst insult for a journalist?
Slime bucket, ... not to be confused with the scum bucket. 28 3%
Hack, ... hitting 'em old school! 77 8%
Cub reporter, ... especially hurtful if you are supposed to be an expert on OS X. 34 3%
Publicist, ... cry me a sob sister. 92 10%
Special needs correspondent, ... if your Press Room doesn't have a masseuse and a snack bar, I'm outta there. 67 7%
Blogger, ... stop the presses, he's using Wordpress now. 214 23%
Apple doesn't return your calls, ... they refuse to get in a huff over your puff piece? 87 9%
Dunno, I'm having too much fun over at the Steve Jobs Opening Line Generator, ... make your first impression a memorable one. 173 19%
It's an insult to the JoyPoll writer if you don't even vote. 125 13%

May not add up to exactly 100% due to rounding, and PR.
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