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Current JoyPoll results for 1063 entries:

What the worst Facebook-related thing that could happen to you?
My account would be deleted. OMG, I can't live without Facebook!, ... really? Maybe the life you're living now isn't one?343%
Someone could share incriminating photos of me, ... they already have, and hey, they aren't that bad.716%
Identity spoof... someone could set up a fake account with my photos on it, ... you mean you didn't want to be a porn star in high school?10810%
The worst thing would be actually signing up for an account. Not me, ever, ... aren't you one that said you would never use Instant Messaging?35333%
I could meet some psycho on there, ... I'm not that bothersome, once you've got a restraining order.484%
My parents would sign up and want to friend me, ... this is why you set up two accounts.27926%
Having to spend the weekend with Mark Zuckerberg.17015%

May not add up to exactly 100% due to rounding, and rounding collection agencies.
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