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Current JoyPoll results for 894 entries:

Most interesting Trending Topic of the 60's would be?
#civilrights, ... we've come a long way baby, let's keep marching forward. 86 9%
#drugs, ... little did you suspect that in the future, you'd be addicted to something called The Internet. 97 10%
#makelovenotwar, ... the world still needs a little love, love, love. 215 24%
#spacerace, ... we had another world in our hands, then decided it wasn't our piece of cheese. 76 8%
#whatwilltheyear2010belike?, ... /me holds a sit-in to demand a flying car. 145 16%
#BASIC, ... back then, geeks were real geeks! 144 16%
Tweeting about the 60's is such a grandfather paradox, man. 131 14%

May not add up to exactly 100% due to rounding, and Incense and Peppermint.
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