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Current JoyPoll results for 970 entries:

What's a fond part of your childhood?
Poison or chemicals,... or is chemicals more your teenage years? 26 2%
Explosives, ... you must have been quite the little firecracker. 124 12%
Killing stuff, ... oh Ant God, please forgive me and my magnifying glass transgressions. 35 3%
Getting hurt while doing something stupid, ... I guess time travellers couldn't dissuade you? 175 18%
Exposure to violence, ... does sibling rivalry count? 50 5%
Weird candy, ... Pixy Stix rocked. 78 8%
All of the above, usually in one day, ... OK, so you are normal. 339 34%
I have fond memories of being exposed to JoyPoll results. 143 14%

May not add up to exactly 100% due to rounding, and unfond memories.
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