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Current JoyPoll results for 1011 entries:

Thing that you believe provides excellence in a store?
Items are in stock, ... and not Version 1.0, when the rest of the world is version 3.0 71 7%
Items have the lowest price, ... this is a store on a street, and not a street corner, right? 97 9%
Sales staff is knowledgeable about the products, ... yes, but do they care? 229 22%
Store will accept returned items with no hassle, ... if they're really great, they won't even ask how that strawberry milkshake got inside the laptop. 97 9%
Sales staff is helpful, but not pushy, ... although beware if they are suddenly your best friend. 201 19%
Sales staff is cute, ... save your money for the date! 207 20%
My vote was excellently cast on viewing the results. 109 10%

May not add up to exactly 100% due to rounding, and exemplary superbness with approximately equal value, but in a shorter, simpler, or more explicit representation.
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Please support our continued work on the comics by tossing us a tip,
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