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Current JoyPoll results for 1125 entries:

Do you love your old tech less once you've got something new?
Absolutely, ... out with the old, (or at least give it to your SO.) 121 10%
I tend to be a little cautious before I open my heart to something new, ... I'm like that with chocolate. It doesn't last long. 104 9%
I still have a soft spot for my old tech, ... awwww, you old silicon softy! 423 37%
Abso-friggin-lutely!, ... you put the consume in consumer, don't you. 89 7%
If it's an Apple product, yes. The other stuff, nope, ... yeah, I know the feeling, but I still miss my old Dodge pickup truck. 183 16%
I hate all my tech!, ... you should go Luddite for a few months. 60 5%
It's been too long since I've got something new. 145 12%

May not add up to exactly 100% due to rounding, and rounding rivalry.
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