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Current JoyPoll results for 1253 entries:

What kind of god would you like to be?
Benevolent Dictator, ... everyone needs a little discipline now and then. 137 10%
All benevolent, ... would that make you a god-y two-shoes? 63 5%
Vengeful and spiteful, that would be more dramatic!, ... you'd probably get tired of fire and brimstone all the time. 60 4%
More of a Loki kind of god, playing tricks on people and messing them up, ... face it, you worship The Joker, don't you. 264 21%
a LOVE god! (Heh, I already am!), ... how do you know your subjects aren't faking it? 164 13%
I'd be the kind that just starts a project, then leaves it, ... this universe has enough of those already! 213 16%
I want to be the 2001 Space Baby, ... quit looking at Earth like it's your wet nurse! 137 10%
God hath judged, and He's just viewing the results. 215 17%

May not add up to exactly 100% due to rounding, and God playing dice.
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