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Current JoyPoll results for 1213 entries:

What's the correct answer to the job-application question
"Can you ever imagine a situation where you would lie?"
Correct answer is NO, ... are your fingers crossed? 42 3%
Correct answer is YES, ... but I bet you hate to imagine it. 159 13%
Correct answer is YES, with qualifiers, ... now you got me singing "Would I lie for you?" 122 10%
There is no correct answer. The question is a Kobayashi Maru scenario, ... so it's actually a quiz re-programming test? 309 25%
Any job that asks you that, is not worth having, ... in this economic climate, it might be worth holding your nose for? 157 12%
I would answer NO, because a job interview question like this is exactly the kind of situation where I can imagine lying, ... you're not fibbing, are you. 198 16%
It depends on what the job is, ... if it's for a spy, you'd better tell a good lie. 89 7%
I'm taking too long to answer the question. 137 11%

May not add up to exactly 100% due to rounding, and it did add up exactly to 100%.
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