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Current JoyPoll results for 1736 entries:

What's most disturbing about this comic?
That someone would hire a hit man, ... he hits them with his rythym stick. 41 2%
That the hit man doesn't have a flat rate for everyone, ... he prefers to call it his splat rate. 35 2%
That the hit man would undercut the Hit Man Union's just to satisfy some kind of social vengeance, ... they are bound to put a contract out on him. 172 9%
The fact that I know we can't really kill oil executives, but that it would be good to make them think we are going to unless they clean up their act, ... how's your oil addiction lately? 161 9%
The fact that I would probably chip in some dough to support a "top kill" such as this, ... think of it as a clean up. 210 12%
That while I am reading this, oil still leaks, ... meanwhile British Petroleum generates about $7,800 each second. 959 55%
I'm all plugged up. 158 9%

May not add up to exactly 100% due to rounding, and being clogged with icelike slush.
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