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Current JoyPoll results for 742 entries:

What's the mission statement under your hoodie?
Making procrastination pay more, ... pay more? Is it paying a little now? 116 15%
Attempting to make my sex life less extinct, ... once it's gone, does it ever come back, or does a new species take its place? 83 11%
To surf the Internet until I find the end of it, ... trust me, it will be the end of you first. 150 20%
To one day be as cool as Mark Zuckerberg, ... ha ha! Mark, I can see you keep hitting this option! 9 1%
Hoodies suck, ... they got such a bad rap. 185 24%
I'll never say what's hiding under my t-shirt!, ... and we are all thankful for that. 111 14%
I'm just reading Missing Mission Statements, the Missing Manual. 88 11%

May not add up to exactly 100% due to rounding, and missing statements.
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Introducing the Beachball Beanie and cap!