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Current JoyPoll results for 1189 entries:

What did today's comic best illustrate?
An overreaction to criticism, ... don't worry, if you enhance the footage, that coffee is just computer generated. 49 4%
The growing trend of the objectification of men in today's society, ... I don't mind it so much, so long as the guys are hot. 133 11%
The sadistic treatment of a hapless geek who was only trying to strike up a conversation with some girls, ... awww, he never got to show them his painted abs. 135 11%
Tread on a woman's fantasy at your peril!, ... unless of course that is her fantasy. 358 30%
A new coffee-flavoured body wash, ... I invented that a decade ago! [bitter] 70 5%
I'm just surprised Nitrozac didn't illustrate the Old Spice Guy!, ... she was going to draw him on a horse, but decided to just stay at her desk and use her Wacom. 279 23%
I'm all washed up. 165 13%

May not add up to exactly 100% due to rounding, and rounding on a horse.
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