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Current JoyPoll results for 886 entries:

What would you like to leak to WikiLeaks?
How many idiots are at my place of employment, ... that's already been leaked. It's total staff minus you. 81 9%
My sins... I could use it as a Wiki-confessional, ... I thought that's what the Forums are for! 5 0%
A few secrets about my ex, ... I can see why you are an ex. 23 2%
Something major and change the world for the better. That would be cool, ... with great leakage, comes great responsibility. 109 12%
I'd like to leak something major, but I'm all wet when it comes to major secrets, ... start with something small, like how many times you've snacked from the bulk bins. 64 7%
I wouldn't whistleblow online. Seems like too many ways THEY could find out who you are, ... but if you don't do something interesting, won't THEY get bored watching? 92 10%
I know nothing... NOTHING!!!, ... (that was for all the Sgt. Schultz fans out there.) 410 46%
I'm heading straight to the leaked results. 102 11%

May not add up to exactly 100% due to rounding, and leaking rounding.
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