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Current JoyPoll results for 881 entries:

What really going on here?
The husband is a jerk, she should just leave him, ... she already did, he just didn't get the message. 66 7%
The text is probably right, the wife is a bitch, ... you're such a romantic. 84 9%
The therapist is a jerk for revealing the messages, ... hasn't he heard of doctor-text message confidentiality? 63 7%
The therapist is a jerk for not turning off his phone during the session, ... he's waiting for a phone call from his mistress. 240 27%
The messages were actually "Help Help! She's making me go to these sessions under threat of death!", ... if he doesn't stop sending these messages, his cell phone bill is going to kill him. 70 7%
Actually, the wife has set up an automatic script, to send the therapist these fake messages that look like they are from her hapless husband, ... so she's not a bitch, just a geek! 237 26%
Nothing is going on here, it's just a bunch of pixels arranged in a certain way as if to represent a real-life situation. 122 13%

May not add up to exactly 100% due to rounding, and cgi script-rounding confidentiality.
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