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Current JoyPoll results for 1311 entries:

Which Twitter person are you most like?
The self-promoter, ... a Twitter bird of prey? 70 5%
The sick and miserable one, ... misery loves unfollowers. 38 2%
The one who always tweets what they're eating, ... do you want followers or just swallowers? 37 2%
The kind that just looks but doesn't tweet, ... a bird without a song is just creepy. 151 11%
Master of my mundane!, ... you're doing it right! 121 9%
The one tweet wonder, ... bet you can't tweet just one. 102 7%
The none tweet wonder, ... you're no bird-brain. 539 41%
I refuse to conform to Twitter stereotypes. 253 19%

May not add up to exactly 100% due to rounding, and what a little birdie told me.
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