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Current JoyPoll results for 849 entries:

So how do you think this episode of the Dell Zone will end?
While jetting back to Cupertino, Steve Jobs sees the Dell Dude creature wreaking havoc on the plane's wing, ... ooooo almost as scary as Nightmare in Cupertino! 121 14%
The Dell Dude tries to return an iPod to a Target store, only to discover that the floor he's looking for doesn't exist, and the mannequins look awfully familiar, ... Dude, you're a dummy! 101 11%
Plastic surgeons work frantically to try to restore Mike Dell to the Apple standard of beauty, ... in this case, beauty is beholding an iPod. 82 9%
The Dude finds himself the sole survivor of a nuclear blast, with all the time in the world to listen to his iPod! Then he breaks his headphones, ... beep beep beep beep.... bummer. 222 26%
Steve Jobs discovers that the Dell Dude is a kid with the power to wish people away into the cornfield if they don't think "good thoughts" about him, ... oh man, what happens if you Think Different? 68 8%
That's not iCal on that iPod, it's a cookbook, ... the first entry is an appointment "To Serve Dude". 114 13%
Dell and Apple together lies between the pit of man's fears and the summit of his knowledge. 141 16%

May not add up to exactly 100% due to rounding, and what lies beyond the fifth dimension.
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