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Current JoyPoll results for 713 entries:

What would you ask the guru?
What is the meaning of iLife, ... iLife is good, and then you crash. 72 10%
Why couldn't iPod Minis be priced under $200, ... maybe Steve doesn't carry anything less than $200 bills. 266 37%
Why is it called GarageBand, when it's actually inside your Mac, ... because insanely great things come out of a garage. 26 3%
Why am I so cynical about Microsoft demos, ... could it be the gun to Steve Jobs's head? 85 11%
Was the use of Elvis music pre and post keynote really inspired by The Return of the King, ... why a-thank you, a-thank you verrah much. 45 6%
Why is it that when "one more thing" is "give a round of applause to the employees" I am so disappointed, ... you mean you're not fullfilled by the 20th Anniversary of the Mac poster? 149 20%
I'm asking the Genius instead. 70 9%

May not add up to exactly 100% due to rounding, and that one more thing not adding up.
Previous Joy
After Y2K!

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