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Current JoyPoll results for 1083 entries:

How would you describe the boyfriend if you had to write up an adoption ad?
Duke is a loveable character who likes to go for car rides, ... especially ones to pick up more cigs and booze. 48 4%
Duke is an easy-going bud, with a great wiggle, ... I don't think I wanted to know that. ;P 21 1%
Duke needs to learn some leash manners, but has a lot of love to share, and a healthy appetite, ... the good news is you can always blame your flatulence on him! 51 4%
Duke is a lethargic non-neutered male, who will not obey commands, and is not good with children, ... and has a wee bit of a drooling problem. 192 17%
Duke has unique grooming needs and is always a conversation starter when you meet new people! A sweet and loving soul, he likes to have his belly rubbed, ... it's really cute how his leg twitches when you scratch him behind his ears! 231 21%
Duke, when not playing and roughhousing with other buddies, can be found lounging on the couch or on your bed. He needs a job to do so that he doesn't make up his own fun, ... like that B&E hobby he has? 265 24%
I do believe a shock collar is in order. 275 25%

May not add up to exactly 100% due to rounding, and inoperant clicker training.
Previous Joy
After Y2K!

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