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Current JoyPoll results for 1230 entries:

How often do you clean your keyboard?
Once a day, ... must be nice to have all that time for grooming. 28 2%
Once a week, ... I'd borrow your geekosphere anytime. 53 4%
Once a month, ... at least it's more frequently than once in a blue moon. 148 12%
Once a year, ... good thing you never eat at your desk, pick your nose, or go the bathroom and forget to wash your hands. 195 15%
Huh? Keyboards need to be cleaned?, ... yep, and humans need showers every now and then too! 573 46%
I can't clean mine... it's been declared a biohazard heritage site, ... how sweet, your computer has bugs! 112 9%
I accidently viewed the results while cleaning my keyboard. 121 9%

May not add up to exactly 100% due to rounding, and crud.
Previous Joy
After Y2K!

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