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Current JoyPoll results for 1902 entries:

What's your diagnosis regarding John C. Dvorak's prediction that
Apple will be giving up the Mac OS and moving to Windows?
He's lost his mind, ... if his mind was on a Mac, he could use Spotlight to find it. 247 12%
He's absolutely insanely crazy, ... here's to the crazy ones... or maybe not. 214 11%
He's just a twit, but not in the TWiT sense, ... The TWiT Sense? I hear Podcasters, all the time! 142 7%
He's just craving some attention from Mac users, ... a nice way of saying he's a troll? 307 16%
Hmmm, he might just be on to something, ... I'll believe it the day Newton's fly out of Steve Jobs's butt! 159 8%
He obviously just wanted to be in a Joy of Tech comic, ... there are more rational and insanely great ways to do that. 620 32%
I'm thinking a padded room would be nice! 213 11%

May not add up to exactly 100% due to rounding, and The Strange Paradox of Dvorak Keyboards.
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After Y2K!

Please support our continued work on the comics by becoming a SuperFan,
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