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Current JoyPoll results for 1070 entries:

How do you discipline your wayward computer?
Threaten to send it to Boot Camp, ... if that doesn't work, there's always spanking. 97 9%
Threaten to send it to un-certified technicians, ... doesn't that just send it into a temper tantrum? 112 10%
Remove it's memory every now and then, ... if only bad human memories were so easy to remove. 80 7%
Disconnect its surge protector for a few moments, ... that's abusive! 99 9%
Re-install its operating system, ... but is it Nature or Nurture? 278 25%
My computer threatens me, ... perhaps it's time your computer upgraded? 193 18%
I try reverse psychology. 211 19%

May not add up to exactly 100% due to rounding, and undermining authority.
Previous Joy
After Y2K!

Please support our continued work on the comics by becoming a SuperFan,
or by shopping at our webstore.

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