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Current JoyPoll results for 925 entries:

What would you use a Space Tube for?
Vacuuming my geekosphere, ... humans and their pesky skin flakes are such an inconvenience to our silicon overloads. 25 2%
Launching crew and cargo into orbit, ... almost as fun as that glass elevator at the NYC Apple store! 66 7%
Use it to siphon up pollution, weapons, politicians, bad people, and my employer., ... is that what they mean by "sucking up to the boss"? 276 29%
I'd use it in reverse, like a straw, to drink up outer space goodies, ... mmmmm, love those delicious dusty snowballs! 39 4%
I'm protesting the Space Tube. There's already too much interstellar dust, ... send your complaints to the Sentinel. 53 5%
The whole idea of a Space Tube sucks, ... I think you've got a bad case of Childhood's End! 173 18%
As always, Tubes Rock, ... not that there's anything wrong with transistors, but you know... 198 21%
I'm hoping they will develop a Space Tuba. 95 10%

May not add up to exactly 100% due to rounding, and any sufficiently advanced rounding being indistinguishable from magic.
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After Y2K!

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