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Current JoyPoll results for 1288 entries:

What would you do if your friends tried a Geek Intervention on you?
Let them. I need the help, ... admitting it is the first step to denial. 28 2%
Fake being "cured". Then later on, delete them with extreme prejudice., ... with geek power, comes great revenge potential. 184 14%
I would love it if my friends cared so much, ... they do, but they are very, very afraid of you. 57 4%
I would love it if I had friends, ... even non-geek friends?! How desperate are you? ;-P 183 14%
Attempt a Reverse Intervention... make them all geeks, ... or you could just remind them "who is going to fix all your computers now?" That'll work. 441 34%
No problem, in cases like this, the Corbomite Maneuver works every time, ... or did you just re-program the computer to show that the Corbomite Maneuver works every time? 237 18%
I'm thinking to myself, yeah, I know someone who could use a Geek Intervention! 159 12%

May not add up to exactly 100% due to rounding, and brain-washing you to believe the results add up to exactly 100%.
Previous Joy
After Y2K!

Please support our continued work on the comics by becoming a SuperFan,
or by shopping at our webstore.


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