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Current JoyPoll results for 1008 entries:
What's the strangest behavior you've observed from Linux users?
Worshiping at the altar of Tux, ... but beware of bullies bearing effigies. |
25 |
2% |
Exposing their code, ... that only feels strange the first time you do it, after that it comes natural. |
69 |
6% |
Battling over distributions, ... child's play compared to the vi VS Emacs war! |
63 |
6% |
Flocking towards OS X, ... you can lead a bird to Aqua, ... and he will probably jump in. |
188 |
18% |
Steadfastly and devotedly remaining with their kernel, ... as documented in Dr. Snaggy's Horton Hears a Whois. |
49 |
4% |
Strange behavior is relative, especially among geeks, ... it was open sourced a few years ago in an attempt to improve the nerds. |
489 |
48% |
For some strange reason I viewed the results. |
125 |
12% |
May not add up to exactly 100% due to rounding, and angry penguins charging in excess of 100mph.
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