The Podium CoolPad! |
We recently had the opportunity to test drive one of Road Tools products, the Podium CoolPad. Like its sibling the CoolPad, it uses natural air convection to dissipate your computer's heat and has a 360 degree swivel, however the Podium CoolPad has the additional feature of letting you adjust the computer's incline. So why would you want to incline your laptop? Ergonomics, baby! Here's the thing... while working on a computer your eyes should be in line with a point on the screen about 2" below the top of the screen, and you should keep your wrists as flat as possible. Doing both at the same time is pretty much impossible with a laptop, unless you are a very weirdly proportioned geek. Enter the Podium CoolPad. The podium has stackable risers that let you adjust the keyboard incline by 1/2" increments, you can raise or lower the angle quite easily by just snapping them together. By experimenting a bit, you can find a comfort zone that will make it easier on you to do your work. And there's nothing to attach or fuss with, you simply plop any laptop on top of the CoolPad. That's it! Snaggy: I recently moved to a laptop as my main working machine, and immediately had a lot of neck and shoulder troubles. Raising the machine's screen to a better eye level has really helped. (I also now use a separate keyboard, and that's helped too.). Nitrozac: Adjusting the height with the stackable risers is fast, fun, and easy. The risers are similar to lego blocks, and thats cool, especially for geeks. I raised my iBook with two stacked risers, and I noticed an ergonomic improvement immediately. It just felt better, more relaxed to use. The Podium now includes extra center supports, which are great if you own one of the new wider and thinner G4 PowerBooks. If your laptop has a contoured bottom (iBook) you can remove these center supports and it will work just fine using the two outer supports. We monitored the temperature of a Pismo PowerBook CPU using a little ap called Thermograph, but surprisingly, we found little difference in operating temperatures with and without the Coolpad. We suspect this may be the result of us working in an old Canadian farmhouse at the end of winter... the ambient temperate is just too cool for the CoolPad to make much of a difference. We'd be interested in hearing from other geeks how the CoolPad performed for them in this regard. (Post to the forum). Rating: How to get one And for those of you who demand even smaller accessories, there's the Podium's little brother the Coolpad, which has the same cool features, without the risers, for only $19.95. (Although the Coolpad is not recommended for TiBooks). And there's also the iCoolPad which is available in translucent tangerine or blueberry, although we had a hard time finding any more information on this model.
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