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Send someone a Geek-Mate Date Card™
Want to introduce yourself to some sexy geek but you're too shy to send a regular e-mail? Just follow the instructions, and you can send someone a Geek-Mate Date Card™. Before you know it, you'll be making new friends and meeting them in Real Life, and dating for real, and getting married, and having kids and mortgages and in-laws and wishing you never sent this darn card. ;-) If so, you can always send a Geek Occasion card too! And for the Apple of your eye, there's Mac Cards too!

STEP 1: Pick a picture that best represents you
Choose the picture that will appear on the card (using the radio button selector).
this guy is the next Mannix Mr. Suave
A smooth-skinned, smooth-talking geek with eyes to-die-for! This geek loves the ladies, and the ladies don't mind!
Lovely, yet DANGEROUS! The Cat Lady
By day, she's a mild-mannered net surfer. By night, a chat-line addict who's not afraid to ruffle a few feathers!
Gosh golly, he looks like a nice young man A Sharp Dressed Geek
Nothing attracts the babes like a clean suit, bow tie, and pocket protector!


Spelling-Bee queen of Geek High The Brainy Girl-Next Door
The kind of geeky girl who'll bake you an apple pie with her chemistry set!
Perky is as Perky does Perky Geek!
This peppy chick can surf for hours, ftp like crazy, then hit the newsgroups and still get her homework done!
Mmmm, chestboy! Big Strong Geek!
There's no sexier combination than brains and brawn. This is a geek that has it all, and shows it off!

STEP 2: Name and e-mail information
In the boxes below, carefully enter both yours and the recipient's name and e-mail addresses. The recipient will receive an e-mail advising where to find their card. Only you and the recipient will know how to find the card... how romantic!
Your Name:
Your e-mail Address:
Recipient's Name:
Recipient's e-mail Address:

STEP 3: Enter your geeky data
In the boxes below, please enter all pertinent information...
My first computer was a...
I like...
I don't like...
The geek that has inspired me the most is...
Your geeky attributes:
(OS preference, hobbies, favourite
web sites, homepage address, etc.)

STEP 4: Sign your card
Please fill in below, how you would like to sign your card. Examples would be:
  • Greetings and Assimilations, Borg
  • Live Long and Prosper, Vulcan Sapek
  • Geek on!, Poindexter

STEP 5: Preview your card, or start over
You are now ready to preview your card! To do so, just click on the PREVIEW button below. If you want to clear the form and start all over, select START-OVER. Your card will not be sent until you press the SEND-CARD button on the next page.

More eCards!...

Why not go all the way? Surprise your geek love with a geeky gift!

send a geeky date a geeky gift!


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