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Help us keep the laughs coming by becoming a SuperFan!

Forum tidbits! Someone emailed Snaggy with a question about magnets and CPUs ... iMat wonders in the world of Joy of Tech, there is no more Black Genius? ... rw shares some good advice on how to deal with the Dell Dude Blues ... and jherazob has bigger problems than just the Dell spokesDude, like what are his chances at love?

Mac Genius!And in SuperFan Clubhouse Tidbits...It's the SuperFan Pet Pic Post-a-thon!

They're new they're cool, they're Mac Genius Polos!


And don't forget, the comic continues in the Quickpoll, so... view the QuickPoll!

January 8th

January 25th

February 11th

March 12th

Previous episode

Next episode

The QuickPoll was...
How often is it up to you to save the day?
  • Every time.
  • Almost every time.
  • I sometimes save the day.
  • I rarely save the day.
  • I never save the day.
  • I'm more of a Destroyer of Days.

View the Results

Help keep this cartoon universe alive by tipping the real-life cartoonists! This episode of After Y2k is brought to you in part by Dennis Manasco! Thanks Dennis! | Donation FAQ
Snaggy's put up a Donations FAQ, for those who may like to help us out a little. If you have any suggestions regarding this, just let us know.

Just a reminder, in case you didn't know, After Y2K is updated weekly, usually on Sunday night or Monday, except of course over the next few weeks, when we will be slowing down production in order to work on some new products.
In the meantime, Joy of Tech will continue to run three times a week, and of course the Forums are always'rockin. :)

If you get a chance, please join the AY2K newsletter (below). It'll give us a chance to keep everyone up to date on what's happening in the AY2K Universe.

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Don't worry, your information is only used for this list, and never released to any third party.

Getting to know Bambi!LinusAlien Babes
Signed AY2K prints!

More Comics!

The Joy of Tech!
diesel sweeties
Diesel Sweeties!
PC weenies!
PC Weenies!
Try some Geek TV! (Shockwave)

hosted by Interland!
Check out the Magazine for a new Joy of Tech, and the CD-Rom for cool Nitrozac and Snaggy goodies!
Big Panda... cool!

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