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Current JoyPoll results for 1169 entries:

If you could give the pigs from Angry Birds advice, what would it be?
Use screws and nails to hold your buildings together, ... even when you're as smart as a pig, it's hard to hold a hammer and screwdriver with hooves! 69 5%
Don't use so much ice as a building material, ... the glaciers need it more than you! 103 8%
Quit stealing the birds eggs, and maybe you can live in peace with them, ... but scrambled eggs, oh my baby how I love your legs. 246 21%
The best defence is good offence. Invest in some pig poop catapults!, ... whoa, I really like Angry Birds a lot, but I'd hate to be there when the shit hits the fans. 263 22%
Surrender. You cannot defeat those mighty birds!, ... they are still bitter about the mammals taking over the planet. 76 6%
Take all the money you've made and retire!, ... in other words, go to Hog Heaven! 242 20%
I can't vote right now, my house is falling down! 170 14%

May not add up to exactly 100% due to rounding, and routering.
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