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Current JoyPoll results for 1162 entries:

What's it going to take for you to quit or substantially lower your exposure to Facebook?
It's too late for me, I'm assimilated, ... they had you at Myspace. 129 11%
Just a few more incidences of Facebook doing something sleazy or scum-baggy, ... you are in an abusive relationship. 77 6%
I'm already out of there!, ... sometimes it's preferable being friendless. 194 16%
Thanks the godz I never signed up, ... I think Zuck is going to figure a way around that soon. 285 24%
Whenever something better comes along, ... you and 599,999,999 other users? 202 17%
Your Facebook Phobia is overblown my friend, ... can you have a mild case of fear of losing control over all your privacy and contact information? 89 7%
So glad I'm not on the Internet. 186 16%

May not add up to exactly 100% due to rounding, and sheeple.
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