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Current JoyPoll results for 960 entries:

What social network would your animal join?

Facebark, ... I hate they way they constantly tag you. 141 14%
GooglePuss, ... I thought cats hate to share? Or is that just their litter? 245 25%
PigPen, ... or would you prefer Schroeder? 3 0%
Twitter, ... Failwhales are for the birds. 50 5%
Guinea Pig Singles or PlentyofGerbils, ... when you are in a gerbil's circle, life is a ball. 67 6%
My animal prefers people, ... I hope it isn't a pet tiger. 261 27%
I'm a social network animal. 193 20%

May not add up to exactly 100% due to rounding, and my cruel nature.
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