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Current JoyPoll results for 1169 entries:

When it comes to violating your privacy, who do you think is the worst?

Facebook, ... every breath you take... Zuck IS watching you. 360 30%
Google, ... aww, but they are just trying to organize the world's privacy! 93 7%
Carrier IQ, ... they must of thought the geeks out there didn't have much of an IQ. 89 7%
Santa, ... if I wasn't so worried about not getting any presents, I'd say that the whole "sees you when you're sleeping" thing is creepy! 33 2%
That mind-reading Professor X, ... blame the tech, it's all Cerebro's fault! 42 3%
Don't even get me started about God!!!!!, ... it wouldn't be so bad if He wasn't so judgmental! 114 9%
This damn JoyPoll, it's always asking me snoopy questions about what I think!, ... well well well, there's another one on Nitrozac's Naughty List. 250 21%
I'm adjusting my foil-covered beanie. 188 16%

May not add up to exactly 100% due to rounding, and Carrier IQ dropping due to all the stupid stuff they have to spy on.
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