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Current JoyPoll results for 1098 entries:

Best use for Google's new glasses?

Sharing information, ... oh I get it... on-your-FACEbook! 14 1%
Virtual assistant, ... may I help you by targeting advertisers at you? 94 8%
Bragging rights to friends, ... "geek" as a derogatory term is going to make a comeback. 45 4%
Getting yourself killed via distraction, ... the Darwin Award people are getting excited. 325 29%
Selling what remains of your soul to Google, ... it's not selling if they don't give you anything for it. 228 20%
I gotta admit, porn, ... you didn't have to admit it, you could have just voted some other way like everyone else who thinks porn is the best use. 201 18%
I'm waiting for the Google contact lenses. 191 17%

May not add up to exactly 100% due to rounding, and fogging up.
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