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Current JoyPoll results for 924 entries:

What would be your favorite part of Real Geeks of Silicon Valley?

The part where they don't do laundry or dishes for weeks, ... that's too real-life to be entertaining! 81 8%
The part where they ordered a Large pizza, but they only got a Medium, so they had to order another one, ... it guest-starred Zuckerberg as "Delivery Boy". 80 8%
The coding part would actually be fascinating!, ... watch out, if it's too good, we'll have to cancel it. 150 16%
I'd much rather watch Real Geekettes of Silicon Valley, ... you just like to watch them cat-fight over Mountain Dew. 432 46%
The fact that it would star me!, ... you are a real geek? I thought you just played one on the Internet! 38 4%
I'll wait to pirate the movie. 143 15%

May not add up to exactly 100% due to rounding, and unreal rounding of Silicon Valley.
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