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Current JoyPoll results for 1165 entries:

What's the moral of this comic?

Electronic transactions are not always instantaneous, ... especially if you are an electron. 35 3%
Banks are evil, ... that's not a moral, that's just a Law of Nature. 343 29%
Banks are evil geniuses, ... a good villain always perks my interest. 235 20%
Complaining never solves anything, ... I'd like to complain about that, but it won't make any difference. 47 4%
You never know when you are going to need an air freshener, ... I bet the bank smells like ozone now. 55 4%
When you purchase your Energy Transfer Ray Gun, don't skimp. Get the model with the optional Residual Smell Disintegrator, ... the problem is they charge a stinkin' recurring fee for that! 306 26%
So that's why they nicknamed that ray gun "The Manager"! 144 12%

May not add up to exactly 100% due to rounding, and we didn't go for the optional Residual Rounding Disintegrator.
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