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Current JoyPoll results for 1178 entries:

Is there any hope for Blackberry, or are they just dreaming?

Of course! Anything can happen in the tech world, ... let me go out on a rim here, anything is possible, but not probable. 158 13%
Highly unlikely, ... so they've met their Waterloo? 270 22%
Yes, if they copy the iPhone and Android enough, they might just sell enough to eke out an existence, ... they might discover eking out an existence is not all what it's crackberry'd up to be. 298 25%
Actually, if they start selling those adorable Black Bear-ie Teddy bears, they might make millions!, ... I still think these are all great ideas! 297 25%
You're dreaming if you think I know the answer to that. 155 13%

May not add up to exactly 100% due to rounding, and the Black watch.
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