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Current JoyPoll results for 688 entries:

Do you enjoy a little competition?

Yep, I need it to keep pushing myself, ... sounds more like someone else is doing the pushing! 258 37%
Nope, I like to cruise in as the winner every time!, ... learning from your perfection is underrated! 55 7%
It's not about competition, it's all about co-operation, ... the trouble is getting everyone to agree on that. 87 12%
I gotta admit, I miss being the underdog, ... "I am a hero who never fails. I can't be bothered with such details." 236 34%
I do, so long as the competition is terrible, ... but it's so terribly frustrating when terrible competition is winning! 214 31%
I'm exterminating the results. 220 31%

May not add up to exactly 100% due to rounding, and War does not determine who is right - only who is left.
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