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Current JoyPoll results for 1153 entries:

Why do you think Apple users are willing to pay more for things?

A sucker is born every minute, ... so is a really bad Windows laptop! 162 14%
Apple users have long known that good stuff is worth paying a little extra for, ... Apple has brainwashed taught us well. 301 26%
They've been doing it for so long now, they don't know the difference, ... especially when there's sites like Orbitz! 172 14%
They want to pay more for things so they can brag to their friends, ... and if you really believe that, it's time to book some Mac-anger management. 139 12%
They won't pay more. On sites like Orbitz they will just disguise themselves as Windows users., ... OK, you just grossed out a whole bunch of Mac users. 210 18%
I'm willing to pay more to view the results. 171 14%

May not add up to exactly 100% due to rounding, and several other factors the JoyPoll considers when serving up rounding results.
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