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Current JoyPoll results for 754 entries:

What company death benefits would you like when you die?

I'd be fine with Google's!, ... well, you won't be, but your family will! 246 32%
Give everyone an extra 15 minute coffee break, you mean those lazy workers get 15 already? Sheesh! 27 3%
Cryogenically freeze my brain, in the hopes of being revived in the future, ... you always dreamed of being the head of the company. 91 12%
At the very least, a Viking funeral by the water cooler, ... in a paperless office, there's not much to burn you with! 123 16%
The greatest death benefit of all is not having to work for my company again!, ... time for some changes, before you leave us? 116 15%
Why should Death benefit from my death? 151 20%

May not add up to exactly 100% due to rounding, and something rotten.
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