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Current JoyPoll results for 342 entries:

What's your Internet superpower?

Attract-Annoying-Ads Man!, ... your not-so-secret identity is Keep-Ad-funded-Sites-Alive Guy. 13 3%
I get incredibly super sleepy after about 15 minutes of surfing, ... I must be your nemesis, I get incredibly super sleepy after about 15 minutes of work! 25 7%
Captain Somehow-Stumbled-Upon-Porn, ... bah, who doesn't have that power! 53 15%
When I'm on the Internet, time speeds up, ... ah, so you're the one I can blame when I miss a deadline! 140 40%
The Super Searcher!, ... let's give your trusty sidekick Google Guy a bit of credit, OK? 55 16%
My power is to deny the JoyPoll a vote! 56 16%

May not add up to exactly 100% due to rounding, and I empathize.
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