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Current JoyPoll results for 1305 entries:

Is an in-car system like CarPlay a good idea,
or is it just another huge distraction for drivers?

It's just a huge distraction. I say ban all phones and screens that can distract drivers, ... can we ban passengers and cups of coffee too? 102 7%
It's a distraction, but better than drivers fumbling for their smartphones, ... I would use Siri, but she always gets car sick. 335 25%
It's a good thing, ... you're just addicted to new toys! 206 15%
I'm waiting for head- up displays like in a fighter jet, ... I'm waiting for that in my flying car! 233 17%
Ban drivers! I'm waiting for self-driving cars!, ... what happens when your car doesn't feel like going anywhere, and just wants to stay home and watch TV? 231 17%
I'm hopefully not viewing the results while driving. 189 14%

May not add up to exactly 100% due to rounding, and big wheels keep on turning.

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