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Current JoyPoll results for 409 entries:

If you were a cat, where would you like to sleep?

On the Great Pumping Plateau, ... to maintain softness, it constantly needs churning! 14 3%
On Dome Mountain, ... it must be comforting for human to know I'm watching them as they sleep. 8 1%
In the Underworld, ... from darkness strikes the quickest paws! 13 3%
All of the above, switching every half hour or so, ... don't forget to take Face-Walker Pass every time! 192 46%
In my own bedroom, thank you very much, ... um, human is just borrowing cat's bedroom, no? 123 30%
I'm sinking my claws into the results. 58 14%

May not add up to exactly 100% due to rounding, and a scratching post.

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