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Current JoyPoll results for 540 entries:

What's your computer's purpose?

To fetch me stuff, ... Good boy Fetch! Now go play with Anarchie. 29 5%
To help me do my job!, ... or more likely, to avoid doing your job! 86 15%
To protect my family from intruders, ... isn't that like letting a Trojan horse guard the gates? 4 0%
To serve as stress-relief and provide companionship, ... one day your computer is going to swipe left. 64 11%
To keep me happy, healthy, and keep my mind engaged and active, ... if Apple made my iPhone whimper, I might be more likely to take it for a walk. 142 26%
The above would be nice, but usually its purpose is just stressing me out!, ... didn't they promise us that computers would give us more free time? 105 19%
My only purpose is to view the results. 109 20%

May not add up to exactly 100% due to rounding, and a 'puter puppy.

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